Willow Class - Nursery, Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 2023 - 2024
Ms Evans
Miss Hannaby
Miss Edge
Welcome to Willow Class!
*For Information about Reception or Nursey, please click the 'Nursery' or 'Reception' page tabs above. For Year 1 and 2, please see below.*
Year 1 and Year 2
We are really looking forward to welcoming the children back into school and starting our spring term. We have lots to look forward to this term and can’t wait to delve into lots of exciting learning!
In our literacy lessons this term we are currently reading the text, 'Rapunzel’. This humorous retelling of the classic fairy tale spins a delightful, girl power twist!
We use power maths across our school to help develop the children's fluency and to deepen their conceptual understanding of mathematics. To help support this, we hold weekly arithmetic tests each WEDNESDAY. The outcomes of these will be recorded in your child's Home School Journals to help keep you informed of their progress.
In our wider curriculum subjects, we delve into many magical themes. During our humanities sessions, we will be investigating how we should remember Pocahontas. In Science, we will be classifying materials and experimenting with their properties.
In design and technology, we will be designing and making structures, focussing on creating a chair for Baby Bear so that it is, of course, JUST RIGHT! In art, we will be exploring sculpture and mixed media to create a collaborative artwork piece. We will be exploring the story of creation in our RE lessons. Music is delivered each Thursday by Mr Kitcher from Shropshire Music Service. Physical Education will be delivered twice weekly with our sports coaches.
SWIMMING: This term, swimming will be eon Friday afternoons, from Friday 17th January until the end of the half term.
Now for some reminders:
Book Bags:
Please ensure that your child brings their book bag to school every day, containing their home-school journal and reading book. It is crucial that these items are kept separate from other bags, such as homework packs, lunch boxes or PE kits, to prevent any damage to the books.
Homework packs will be given out on Fridays, along with new spellings. We kindly request that completed homework is returned by the following Thursday. Spellings will be tested every Friday. To keep homework organised, please use the plastic wallet provided rather than storing it in book bags or other bags.
Reading is fundamental to education, and we want to encourage pupils to read at home for at least five minutes every day. We believe that reading every day can have a significant impact on a child's academic achievement. Keeping a record of each reading session in the Home School Journal and bringing it to school every day will help your child keep track of their progress.
PE lessons will take place on Wednesday afternoon and FRIDAY (SWIMMING). Children are required to come to school wearing their full PE kit. Please note that swimming lessons will be scheduled later in the school year, with further details provided closer to the time.
Forest School:
Forest School will be held on Thursdays. Please ensure that your child brings their muddy kit (wellies, over trousers, and a coat) to wear over their uniform for outdoor sessions.
Please have a look at our Curriculum Page on the website for further information on what will be taught.
Key Information for Spring Term:
- Children should wear full uniform and black school shoes each day.
- Our PE sessions will be on a Wednesday and Friday. Children are required attend school in their school PE kits.
- Children should bring a water bottle every day.
- Children do not need to bring pencil cases or other personal items to school.
- Please label all clothing and personal items to avoid the loss of property.
Finally, if you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the Willow Class team at the start or end of the school day. Alternatively, you can direct any enquiries to us on: [email protected]
To find out more about who will be teaching the class click on our 'Meet The Teaching Team' page.