Willow Class Reception
We are excited to welcome our Nursery and Reception back into school this Spring term! Our aim at Welshampton is to inspire and excite children at the beginning of their learning adventure and provide every member of our EYFS with a sense of awe, wonder and pride in their everyday learning and achievements.
In Literacy this term, our reception children are diving in to ‘Little Red’. On her way to Grandma's house, Little Red meets a wolf. That might scare some little girls, but not this little girl. She knows just what the wolf is up to, and she's not going to let him get away with it... We will be using this book to inspire and ignite our imaginations. Whilst our Nursery children will delve into another traditional tale: The Three Billy Goats Gruff, learning to retell and reinact the classic story.
To continue to transpire our love for reading, we will be sharing lots of story books and poems throughout the day as well as in our shared reading sessions.
At Welshampton, we use Ready Steady Phonics to teach children phonics and letter formation. We will be holding an information evening about how these sessions work in school, as well as how you can help at home. More information on this will be sent out to parents.
We will begin our maths journey this term, with our reception cohort, using Power Maths to develop our numeracy skills. We will particularly focus on numbers to 10: comparing, subtracting, adding, number bonds and patterns as well as measuring.
In other areas of our curriculum we will be delving into the children’s toys of the past, maps, programming beebots and taking on challenges in PSHE. Whilst in Art we will be exploring sculpture and in RE we will be focussing on and answering why God is so important to Chritsians.
Children in Reception will be sent a decodable reading book home each week, this book will have been taught and practiced in school during the week previous. We suggest reading with your child every day for around 5 minutes. This will help solidify their phonics knowledge, help with their reading fluency and holistically aid children in all aspects of our curriculum.
Spellings will also be sent home to practice, as well as sound mats to help with any home learning.
We also send home challenges for children to try, such as creative activities, fine motor skills and phonics tasks. These will be connected to our school learning so that children can easily access them with grown-ups at home. You will be able to find these in their homework books.
PE lessons will take place on Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning (Swimming for Spring 1 in the afternoon). Children are required to come to school wearing their full PE kit. Please note that swimming lessons will be scheduled later in the school year, with further details provided closer to the time. THIS SPRING TERM, SWIMMING WILL BEGIN FROM FRIDAY 17TH JANUARY (until we break up for half-term).
Forest School:
Forest School will be held on Thursdays. Please ensure that your child brings their muddy kit (wellies, over trousers and a coat) to wear over their uniform for outdoor sessions.
Key Information for Spring Term:
- Children should wear full uniform and black school shoes each day.
- Our PE sessions will be on a Wednesday and swimming on a Friday afternoon. Children are required attend school in their school PE kits.
- Children should bring a water bottle every day.
- Children do not need to bring pencil cases or other personal items to school.
- Please label all clothing and personal items to avoid the loss of property.
Spare clothes:
As children can be super busy in school, we know that accidents occasionally occur. We advise that you send a spare set of trousers/skirts/socks/pants to be kept in your child’s locker, should this happen.
We would like to thank you for your continued support. If you have questions or queries, please see us at the start or end of the school day or email [email protected].
We are really looking forward to starting another amazing school year with you all and don’t forget to follow what goes on in our school on our Class Dojo page!
Miss Hannaby
Ms Evans
Miss Edge